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  Basics 1 - Good Morning


你好! Nǐ hǎo!Hello
你好吗?Nǐ hǎo ma?How are you?
很好Hěn hǎo. Very well
谢谢Xǐe xie.Thank you
不谢Bùxìe.You're welcome
再见!Zàijìan! Goodbye
...哪里...zài nǎli?Where is...?
为甚么?Wei shénmeWhy?
我叫…Wǒ jìao...My name is...
我姓…Wǒ xìng..My last name is...
你叫甚么名字?Nǐ jìao shènme míngzi?What is your name?
您贵姓?Nín guìxìng? What is your name (polite)
Duì.Yes (correct)
不(対)Bù (duì) No (incorrect)
请你幇助我.Qǐnq nǐ bāng zhù wǒ.Please help me.
高先生Gāo Xīansheng Mr. Gao
nínyou (polite)
他,她,它he, she, it
你们nǐmenyou (plural)
他们, 她们, 它们tāmenthey
好不好Hǎo bù hǎo?O.K.?
我要Wǒ yào...I want...
我累了Wo lèile.I'm tired.
我要去Wǒ yào qù...I want to go to...
有没有Yǒu meíyǒu...?Do you have...?
我饿了Wǒ è le.I'm hungry.
甚么时候?Shénme shíhou?When, what time?
多少钱?Duōshǎo qían?How much is it (cost)?
这是甚么东西?Zhè shì shéme dōngxi? What is this?
请问Qǐng wèn...May I ask…
对不起Duìbùqǐ.Sorry, excuse me.
你说英文吗?Nǐ shuō yīng wén ma?Do you speak English?

Look at the Language

1. NI and NIN

The pronoun you, singular, can be spoken as ni or nin in Chinese. Ni is the familiar form, used in speech with close friends, animals or those younger than oneself. Nin connotes respect, used to address an elder, or for politeness, for example in speaking with a new business acquaintance. Nin can also be used as a polite plural form.
Nimen is the familiar plural form.


What's Your Name?

Chinese have a one character family name (last name) and a two character first name. The family name is first:

Wáng Měi Měi
(King - Handsome)

Wang is the family name, and Mei Mei is the first name. You can ask someone their last name (more formal), or their first name (nin is more polite):

請問, 您(你)貴姓?

請問, 您(你)姓甚麼?


請問, 您的(你的)大名是甚麼?

請問, 您(你)叫甚麼名字?


  Qǐng wèn, nín (nǐ) guìxìng?
May I ask, your (honorable family) name?

Qǐng wèn, nín (nǐ) xìng shénmo?
May I ask, (what is) your (family) name?

Wǒ xìng Wáng
My name is Wang.

Qǐng wèn, nínde ( nǐde ) dàmíng shì shénmo?
May I ask, what is your first name?

Qǐnq wèn, nín (nǐ) jìao shénme míngzì?
May I ask, what name are you called?

Wǒ jìao Měi Měi.
My name is Mei Mei.